Vol. 1 No. 1 (1999): Spring 1999

Cover image for Volume 1, Issue 1 displaying artwork by Simon Brascoupé, Algonquin and Mohawk

Welcome to the first issue of the new Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development. We have designed this journal to be of interest to practitioners and researchers as well as those who are teaching in the field. It is our intent to bring you articles from a wide variety of people who are working in this area to show you the range of activity and thought that is underway within Aboriginal communities.

The development of Aboriginal economies is an important step that requires thoughtful action. Many are saying that increased economic activity and the resultant wealth is one of the fundamental keys to the rebuilding of Aboriginal governments and the development of Aboriginal peoples’ communities. Such an
important activity deserves a close examination. 

Published: 1999-01-01

Full Issue

The Artist

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