CANDO Statement on the Economic Development Recommendations of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples


  • David Newhouse
  • Corinne Mount Pleasant-Jetté



I am pleased to have this opportunity to speak today about the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples and its recommendations for the development of Aboriginal economies. It has now been almost a year since the Commission tabled its report. We believe this is sufficient time to read the recommendations, reflect upon them and prepare the action that one takes. Corporate leaders prefer action to reflection. They are ready to take risks, ready to act on a recommendation that is well thought out. The RCAP recommendations are, in our view, well thought out. Success in the competitive environment of industry and finance requires not only the capacity for sound judgement but also the capacity to recognize the importance of timing. At this juncture, one year following the release of the RCAP report, we believe that the timing is right. RCAP presented us with a window of opportunity and recipe for constructive change. It is our view that we should do more than look through the window






The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples