First Nations Economic Development: The Meadow Lake Tribal Council


  • Robert Anderson
  • Robert M Bone



A new approach to economic development is emerging among the First Nations in Canada. This approach emphasizes the creation of profitable businesses competing in the global economy. These businesses are expected to help First Nations achieve their broader objectives that include: (i) greater control of activities on their traditional lands, (ii) self-determination, and (iii) an end to dependency through economic self-sufficiency. Two key elements of the First Nations economic development strategy are: (i) capacity building through education, institution building and the acquisition of land and resources, and (ii) the formation of business alliances among First Nations and with non-First Nation companies. At the same time, and at least in part in response to these two elements of the First Nations' development strategy, a growing number of non-Aboriginal corporations are adopting business alliances with Aboriginal people as a part of their strategy for long-term corporate survival. The economic development activities of the nine First Nations of the Meadow Lake Tribal Council provide an excellent example of this approach to development 'in action'.


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Lessons From Research