Vol. 2 No. 1 (2001): Winter 2001

Cover image for Volume 2, Issue 1 displaying artwork by Alan Syliboy

Welcome to the third issue of the Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development. We hope that you find this issue insightful and provocative. While economic development is high on the everyone’s agenda, getting people to take time to step back, reflect on it and write about it is not always the first priority, even within the academic community. The urgent and pressing business of dealing with the immense problems that our communities face means that we often believe that we ought to be doing something to deal with them directly. Yet the time spent in reflection, in learning of new perspectives and new ways of doing things, of connecting with what others are doing, even if it’s through the medium of the written word is time well spent. We can then tackle our daily business with a sense of vigour, connection and compassion.

Published: 2001-01-01

Full Issue

The Artist