Reconciling Inuit Elders’ Long-Term Care Needs


  • Mark Macneill



Addictions, Business And Economics, Chronic illnesses, Cultural differences, Culture, Discrimination, Disease, Ethnic Interests, Families & family life, Food, Frailty, Health care access, Health care delivery, Health services, Homeless people, Households, Housing, Inuit, Life expectancy, Long term health care, Mental health, Native peoples, Northern communities, Nutrition, Older people, Poverty, Public housing, Relatives


[...]cumulatively over a lifetime the health conA ditions of Inuit elders can be severe, increasing the amount of care they need. [...]of the housing crisis, approximately "one-fifth of Inuit homes reported providing shelter to the homeless" (Minich et al., 2011, p. 526). In the Inuvialuit region, 34% of households live in public housing, however, in some Inuit communities, more than half of households live in social housing (Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, 2016). own challenges, including mental health issues (Kral, 2012), addictions, poverty, and family violence2 (family members whose own childhoods were dysfunctional are often reluctant to care for their parents). Lower life expectancy and the disproportionate disease burden exist because of inadequate education, disproportionate poverty, discrimination in the delivery of health services, and cultural differences.


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Lessons From Experience