A Review of Unemployment, Employment, Participation, and Wage Rates for Aboriginals and Non-Aboriginals—2007-2019
Age groups, Business And Economics, Earnings, Economic conditions, Education, Educational attainment, Employment, Ethnic Interests, Gender, Labor force, Metis, Native North Americans, Native women, Participation, Population, Unemployment, Wage rates, Wages & salaries, WomenAbstract
For Aboriginals in Canada, their employment and participation rates decreased, and their unemployment rate remained the same in 2019. In contrast, non-Aboriginals' unemployment, employment, and participation rates improved. These rates and wage rates are and have historically been more favourable for non-Aboriginals than for Aboriginals. These rates are examined by gender, age, and sector, as well as for Métis and First Nations.
Oppenheimer, Robert. (2019). Unemployment, Employment and Wage Rates Continued to Improve for Aboriginals in 2018, Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, 11(2).
Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey, personal correspondence.
Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey, 4ctl_abo_educ_AN.ivt
Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey, 4ctl_abo_main_AN.ivt
Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey, cuatom tabulation 4ctl_abo_wage_AN.ivt
Statistics Canada. Table 14-10-0367-01 Employment by geography, Aboriginal group and industry (x 1,000)
Statistics Canada website, https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/200122/dq200122ceng.htm?indid=9305-1&indgeo=0
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