Discovering the Meaning of Leadership: A Canadian First Nations Exploration


  • Catherine T. Kwantes
  • Twiladawn Stonefish



Acculturation, Business And Economics, Cultural heritage, Culture, Ethnic Interests, Eurocentrism, Influence, Leadership, Native North Americans, Perceptions, Prototypes, Research, Social structure, Society, Indigenous , Indigenous economic development, Indigenous economic leadership, Indigenous community development


First Nations Canadians are in a unique cultural context, with values resulting from both traditional, heritage influences and Eurocentric Canadian influences. Different patterns of endorsing heritage versus mainstream values have resulted. This research examined leadership preferences in First Nations individuals. Linking acculturation patterns to descriptors of leadership attributes that enhance or inhibit outstanding leadership, characteristics of leadership prototypes were developed for members of four acculturative strategy groups. These leadership prototypes were then compared with existing academic leadership theories.


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