Understanding Manitoba’s Growing Indigenous Economy


  • Ryan Johnson




Business And Economics, Capital, Community, Economic development, Economic opportunities, Ethnic Interests, Funding, Indigenous peoples, Infrastructure, Native North Americans, Sovereignty, Success, Indigenous, Indigenous businesses, Indigenous economic development, Indigenous self-governance, Indigenous community economic development


[...]control over traditional lands allows Indigenous peoples to decide what economic endeavours are best suited to sustained success. [...]not only has infrastructure spending provided viable economic opportunities for Indigenous peoples across Manitoba, the developmental success of Indigenous economies constitutes a vital part of the larger Manitoba economy. Stemming from this is a joint effort to establish a Development Corporation that would funnel profit generated by NCN into "capital, business development, and NCN government run programs" (Ashton et al., 2019, p. 157). The Mystery Lake Hotel, Trappers Tavern, and gas station are the primary sources of revenue, supported by the training provided by NCN to community members in hospitality, management, and accounting (Ashton et al., 2019).


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Lessons From Experience