Aboriginal Land Tenure Reforms In Canada: A Discussion of “Beyond the Indian Act”


  • David Newhouse
  • Heather Shpuniarsky




Business And Economics, Collateral, Economic development, Empowerment, Ethnic Interests, Indigenous peoples, Land tenure, Legislation, Native North Americans, Property rights, Aboriginal Land Tenure, Aboriginal land tenure reforms, Indian Act, Indigenous economy, Indigenous land issues, Indigenous economic leadership, Indigenous community development, Indigenous community economic development, Indigenous communities in Canada


In the words of Hernando De Soto, the co-chair with Madeline Albright of the UN Committee for Legal Empowerment of the Poor, "You don't have to travel to Zambia or Peru to see dead capital. All you need to do is visit a reserve in Canada. First Nation people own assets, but not with the same instruments as other Canadians. They're frozen into an Indian Act of the 1870s so they can't easily trade their valuable resources."


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Hawthorn, H.B., & M.A. Tremblay. 1969. A Survey of the Indians of Canada. A Report on Economic, Political, Educational Needs and Policies in Two Volumes. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer.

Milloy, John S. 1991. “The Early Indian Acts: Developmental Strategy and Constitutional Change”. In Sweet Promises: A Reader on Indian–White Relations in Canada, edited by J.R. Miller. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. 1996. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Ottawa: Canada Communications Group.

Taylor, Greg. 2008. The Law of the Land: the Advent of the Torrens System in Canada. Toronto: Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History.






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