The Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority’s Approach To Securing Public Trust, 2000–2004


  • Yale D. Belanger



Accountability, Agreements, Boards of directors, Business And Economics, Casinos, Chief executive officers, Community development corporations, Corporate image, Councils, Economic development, Ethnic Interests, Finance, Gambling, Government, Health initiatives, Infrastructure, Leadership, Legalized gambling, Liquor, Native North Americans, Native rights, Public opinion, Revenue sharing, Scandals, Success, Sympathy


The effects of the SIGA scandal, or the "Dutch Lerat Affair," as it was branded, led many to publicly question SIGA's accountability, which potentially undermined its corporate image. Since a corporation's image is the link between corporate reality and public perception, how people view a company is vital to that company's success. In 1993, the FSIN approached Premier Roy Romanow (NDP) to discuss reserve casino construction. Since taking the reins in 1991, Premier Romanow had been considered pro-business and compassionate towards First Nations issues, leading Chief Roland Crowe to comment, "This historical relationship meant that the Native leadership felt comfortable initiating a discussion regarding a Native casino gambling policy with the NDP government, which demonstrated an impressive level of trust in the Romanow government" (Skea, 1997, p. 103). Seeking to establish a working relationship with the province that would lead to new gaming policies benefiting its member communities, the FSIN cited a corresponding desire to stimulate economic development. Each CDC was established to aid in distributing one-quarter of the net profit share pursuant to the Framework Agreement in an effort to (i) stimulate First Nations economic development; (ii) fund reserve justice and health initiatives; (iii) finance reserve education and cultural development; (iv) improve community infrastructure; and (v) develop senior and youth programs and other charitable purposes.


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