Indigenous Entrepreneurship In The Wine Industry: A Comparative Study of Two Indigenous Approaches


  • Richard Missens
  • Leo Paul Dana
  • Simon Yule



Acculturation, Business And Economics, Case studies, Community, Comparative studies, Competence, Economic development, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Ethnic Interests, Indigenous peoples, Native peoples, Product development, Tourism, Wine, Wine industry


This case study compares two Indigenous approaches to entrepreneurship within the wine industry: Nk'Mip Cellars (a joint venture between the Osoyoos Indian Band and Vincor Canada) in British Columbia, Canada and Tohu Wines, in Marlborough, New Zealand. The aim was to identify whether differences exist in the approach to entrepreneurship between two different Indigenous groups competing in non-traditional businesses. The results should assist Indigenous populations in their understanding of Indigenous entrepreneurship as well as help guide their people towards greater economic development. Substantial differences between the two chosen Indigenous groups were found in their method of achieving collective entrepreneurship. This study has shown that both the Indigenous New Zealand community and the Indigenous Canadian community can be successful in competing entrepreneurially in something outside their traditional competencies. Furthermore, this study suggests that in order to be successful by competing entrepreneurially in business activities typically considered outside their traditional competencies, Indigenous groups looking to develop their communities economically might want to consider the level of social or psychological acculturation with their non-Indigenous neighbours.


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